Online Busker

Play Your Busking Music Online Be An Online Busker How To Start The Future of Busking?

Be An Online Busker

  • Brief Insight - Online Busking

  • What Is Online Busking?

  • What Skills Are Needed?

  • What Tools Are Required?

  • Listen To My Attempts At Online Busking!

Busking Online

What's Involved - Is It For Me?

Interested In Becoming An Online Busker?

There Are Many Reasons Why Our Busking Opportunities Can Be Limited. From Mobility To Health Issues, Regulations, Isolation From Urban Centres, Transportation, Time Commitment & The List Goes On.

Don't Despair, Busk'n Servant's On The Way! Ha Ha . . . Nah . . . , Not Really, But You Could Try Another Approach.

What Is Online Busking?

Simply Put, The Online Busker Is Using Technology To Explore Other Busking Possibilities. Here Is My Attempt, Busking Music or, Busking Loops Online.

Today's Society Is More & More Connected via Social Media. Be It YouTube, Facebook, Streaming Platforms & Cyber Space Generally. So, The Challenge For The Busker Is To Explore Different Avenues. I Know, It's Not For Everyone. At Times, Simply Uploading, Downloading, Cross Loading, Change This, Change That etc. Can Be So Annoying!

Replacing The Busker On The Street Is Not Going To Happen In The Short Term. They Bring Character, Interest & A Certain Vitally To An Area That Is Encouraged By Some Authorities, Not All, But Some!

To Reach A Broader Range of People, The Busker Can Explore These Social Media Opportunities.

Branching Out Into The Social Media World Does Require Some New Skills, Possibly Additional Gear, A Lot of Time & Commitment And Above All, Buckets Load of Patience! Fortunately, The Busker Isn't Stranded In The Desert! Platforms Like Google & YouTube, Streaming Services Like Spotify & Distribution Services Such As DistroKid Have Tailored Their Technology To Make Things As Easy As Possible For The Artist.

I Suppose The Busk'n Servant Web Site Is In Part, My Attempts To Branch Out & My Busking Music Page, Is Just My Way of Reaching Out To A Bigger Audience. My Guess Is, That The One Drawback Is That You Probably Don't Get As Many Tips!

What Are The New Skills Required?

Online Busking Could Be As Simple As Videoing Your Performance & Uploading To YouTube Through To Live Streaming or, Building Your Own Web Site For Your Music. So, The New Skills Required Will Vary & Develop, As You Explore This New World of Busking.

Typically, The New Skills & Knowledge Could Start With:

  • Video Techniques, Filming & Sound Recording

  • Video Editing

  • Graphic Design

  • Managing Your Video Channel, Uploading Video, Promotion of Your Channel etc.

To Go Further You May Require Skills & Knowledge In:

  • Quality Home Recording & Mixing of Music

  • Release & Distribution of Songs

  • Artist Promotion And Management of Artist Channels etc.

  • Web Design

  • Web Site Promotion

What Tools Are Required?

  • For Videoing, At Minimum, A Quality Sports Type Video Camera With Various Attachments

  • Video Editing Software

  • For Recording & Mixing Your Songs, A DAW (Digital Audio Work Station), Is A Must

  • Various Other Gear Such As Tripods, Microphones, Cables etc.

  • Graphic Design Software

  • A Computer, High Speed, High Memory Capacity (RAM), High Capacity Hard Drive, Think In Terra Bytes etc.

These Are Just Some Ideas To Think About, If Considering Online Busking.

Maybe You Have Your Own Ideas?

Checkout The Freebies In The Busk'n Servant Song Pack Store. Also, Checkout How To Download & Play Loops On Your Mobile Device.

Read More About Music Backing Tracks & Backing Tracks For Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Drums. Also Read More About Looper Pedal Backing Tracks & Busking Music Backing Tracks. Listen To Busking Music & Busking Loops or Try The Free Learn Guitar-Bass-Drums Lessons! Checkout Musician Resources.

Stream Free - Busking Songs By Busk'n Servant

Stream Free - Extended Busking Loops By Busk'n Servant

Learn Guitar-Bass-Drums By Busk'n Servant

Read About Busking - Getting Started

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