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Learn To Play Drums - 10 Steps To Success

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A Step By Step Lesson

  • Designed For The Beginner Drummer

  • Learn A Number of Beats

  • Learn To Play With Bass & Guitar

  • Learn To Play To A Backing Track

  • Allocate 30 Minutes For Each Step

  • Practice A Step Each Day

Take Ten Steps

Drum Lessons

Step #1

Position Yourself Comfortably Whether You Use A Drum Kit or Drum Pads

  • You Should Be Able To Reach The Hi Hat, Snare, Cymbals & Toms In A Sweeping Arc, Without Stretching or, Being Restricted

    • If Using Drum Pads, Have Them To One Side Slightly, If Using One Hand or, In The Centre, Using 2 Hands

  • Hold The Drum Sticks About 1/3 The Way From The End

    • Loosely Grip The Stick Between The Index Finger First Joint & Thumb

    • The Other Fingers Loosely Touch The Under Side of The Stick

    • Using A Slight Wrist Action Allow These Fingers To Flick The Stick Into The Palm of The Hand Just Before Contact With The Drum Pad

    • The Harder You Flick, The Louder The Action Will Sound

  • For The Hi Hat Keep The Foot Pressed Down On The Pedal

    • Lift Then Press Down To Create The Open/Closed Sound

    • Lift To Create The Open Ringing Sound of The Hi Hat

  • For The Kick Drum, Keep The Pedal Down

    • Lift Then Press Down To Make The Kick Sound

Step #2

Learn To Play The Hi Hat

  • We'll Begin With Just The Hi Hat

    • Many Songs Are Played With The Hi Hat Closed

    • So, Press Down On The Hi Hat Pedal or, Select A Closed Hi Hat Pad

    • Tap Your Foot Slowly

    • Play At A Slow Tempo Say 80bpm, Use A Metronome

    • Count 1 2 3 4, Then Repeat

      • That's Called 1 Bar And Has 4 Beats per Bar

    • Now, On The Following Counts, Gently Tap The Hi Hat

      • "1" Count Only - This Is A Whole Note - 1 Beat per Bar

      • "1", "3" Count Only - These Are Half Notes - 2 Beat per Bar

      • "1", "2", "3", "4" Count - These Are Quarter Notes - 4 Beat Per Bar

      • Try & Tap The Hi Hat In The Same Place, Near The Rim

      • Try & Maintain A Consistent Volume or, Stick Force

      • Keep Practicing This Exercise

  • Now, Add An "And or &" Between Each Number

      • Our Count Is "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &"

      • Tap The Hi Hat On Each Count

      • "1", "&", "2", "&", "3", "&", "4", " &" Count - These Are Eighth Notes

      • Keep Practicing This Exercise

  • Let's Add Some Variety

    • Tap The Hi Hat On These Counts

    • "1", "2", "3", "&", "4"

    • Vocalised It Sounds Like This

    • Dat Dat Dat Di Dat

  • Time To Learn Stick Control

    • Not Every Note Is Struck With The Same Velocity or Force

    • Using A Softer Note Adds Variety To The Beat

    • Try This On The "&" Note, Tap A Bit Softer

Stream The Following Track & Play Along Using This Technique

Straight Beat - Hi Hat Only

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 10 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Hi Hat Track

Step #3

Building Our Drum Beat

    • We're Now Going To Add The Snare & Kick Drum

    • This Requires Using 3 Limbs or, Using A Looper Pedal if Using Pads

  • We'll Start By Adding The Kick Drum

    • Play Our Hi Hat Beat From Above

    • Play The Kick On The Counts of "1", "3"

    • Maintain Tempo & A Consistent Strike Velocity On The Kick Pedal

    • Practice This Exercise

  • Now, We'll Add The Snare Drum

    • Continue To Play The Hi Hat & Kick Beat From Above

    • Play The Snare On The Counts of "2", "4"

    • Strike The Snare or Pad Near The Centre

    • Maintain Tempo & A Consistent Strike Velocity

    • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

Stream The Following Beat & Play Along

Straight Beat - Hi Hat, Snare & Kick

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 10 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Snare & Kick

Step #4

Our Next Challenge Is To Play The Hi Hat Using Eighth Notes In Our Beat

  • This Gives A Fuller, Smoother Overall Drum Sound

  • I Think It Is Easier To Play

  • Add The Hi Hat On All The "&" Counts

    • Tap The Hi Hat A Bit Softer On The "&" Count

    • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

  • Stream The Following Track & Play Along

    • It's Called Straight or Even Eighth Beat

Straight Even 1/8th Beat - Drums

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 10 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Drum Track

Step #5

Adding Cymbals - Crash & Splash

The Crash Cymbal

  • The Cymbal Sound Often Denotes The Start of A Drum Phrase

    • A Crash Cymbal, One That Rings Loud, Is Often Used

    • In The Drum Track, You Hear It On Beat 1, In The 1st Bar

    • After 12 Bars You Hear It Again

    • This Is Because The Drum Track Is Used To Play A 12 Bar Blues

    • The Drum Phrase Has 12 Bars, Then It Recommences At Bar 1 & Loops

  • To Play This, Use Your Hi Hat Hand

    • Start By Striking The Cymbal, Instead of The Hi Hat

    • Strike Near The Rim, The Velocity Is Important, Try Different Forces

    • Immediately After Striking, Tap The Hi Hat & Into Our Beat

    • You Can Still Play The Kick On Beat 1

    • So, Strike The Crash Cymbal & Play The Kick At The Same Time

  • Play The Drum Track Again & Practice This Technique

  • Remember, After 12 Bars, Start Again

  • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

The Splash Cymbal

  • The Splash Cymbal Sound

    • It Has A Softer, Less Harsher Sound, Than The Crash Cymbal

    • It Has A Thicker or, Splashier Sound :)

  • The Splash Cymbal Is Often Used During A Drum Phrase

    • When Changing A Beat Pattern

    • To Denote When A Chord Change Is Going To Occur

    • Before A Musical Highlight

  • In Our Drum Track It Is Used At The Start of These Bars

    • Bar 5, Bar 7, Bar 9

    • The Reason Is, The Drum Track Is For A 12 Bar Blues Progression

      • That Means It Has 4 Bars of Say An "A" Bass Note or Chord

      • It Then Has 2 Bars of "D" Bass Note or Chord

      • It Then Has 2 Bars of "A" Bass Note or Chord

      • It Then Has 1 Bar Each of "E", "D", "A" Bass Note or Chord

      • Finishing On Bar 12, With An "E", Bass Note or Chord

      • Read More About Blues Progressions Here

      • You Can See Now, That Note Changes Happen On Bars 5, 7, 9

Stream The Following Track & Play Along, Adding Cymbals

Straight Even 1/8th Beat - Drums

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 10 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Drum Track

Step #6

Adding Additional Snare Beats

  • As Our Drum Beat Develops We Can Add "Highlights"

    • This Means Adding More Snare or Kick Notes To Our Beat

    • We Saw In Step #5, Adding A Splash Cymbal At A Note/Chord Change

  • We Can Do The Same With The Snare

    • Add Another Much Softer Snare Note

    • Do This At The End of Each Bar Before The Note/Chord Change

  • That Means On The "&" After Beat 4 For Those Bars

  • Practice With Our Drum Track

  • Now, Add Another Snare Note At The End of Bar 11 & 12

  • Practice Again, With Our Drum Track

  • When You Are Ready, Stream The Following Track

  • The Bass Is Playing A Simple 12 Bar Blues Progression In The Key of "A"

    • Get Use To Playing With A Bass

    • Commence Playing Our Drum Beat

    • Then Add Cymbals

    • Then Add The Additional Snare Notes

Play Along Using All Techniques & Practice Regularly

Straight Even 1/8th Beat - Drums & Bass

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 10 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Drums & Bass

Step #7

Playing To A Swing Groove Is Our Next Challenge

  • A Swing Groove Is A Straight 1/8th Beat Like We Have Been Playing But, Modified

    • The Hi Hat On Each "&" Between Beats Is Swung

    • This Means It Is Delayed Slightly, Giving A Skipping Feel

    • Vocalised It Is Dit di Dit di Dit di Dit

  • Practice This At A Slow Tempo, Hi Hat Only

  • Often Referred To As The Shuffle or Boogie Beat

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

Swung 1/8th Beat - Hi Hat Only

  • Tempo 80 bpm

  • Approx 2 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Hi Hat Only

Next, We'll Add Kick & Snare

  • Continue To Play The Swung Hi Hat

    • Now, Play The Kick On Beats 1, 2, 3, 4

    • When Ready, Add The Snare

      • Play On Beats 2, 4

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

Swung 1/8th Beat - Hi Hat, Snare #1 & Kick

  • Tempo 80 bpm

  • Approx 2 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Snare #1

We'll Now Play The Snare On Beats 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Continue To Play The Swung Hi Hat

  • Continue To Play The Kick

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

Swung 1/8th Beat - Hi Hat, Snare #2 & Kick

  • Tempo 80 bpm

  • Approx 2 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Snare #2

We'll Now Play The Snare On Beats 1, &, 2, &, 3, &, 4, &

  • Continue Our Drum Beat

  • The Snare Is Play Swung, Same As The Hi Hat

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Practice This Technique Regularly

Swung 1/8th Beat - Hi Hat, Snare #3 & Kick

  • Tempo 80 bpm

  • Approx 2 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Snare #3

Our Last Challenge, In This Step, Is To Play This Groove At A Higher Tempo

  • Continue To Play The Beat But Increase Tempo To 108bpm

  • Bass Guitar Has Been Added

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Practice This Technique Regularly

Swung 1/8th Beat - Drums & Bass

  • Tempo 108bpm

  • Approx 7 Minutes of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Swing Groove

Step #8

Adding Fills

  • In That Last Example You Heard The Snare Roll & Tom Roll

  • These Are Called Fills, They Add Interest To The Main Beat

    • Some Simple Rules, Play Them to Fit The Music Genre

    • Don't Over Use Them, They Lose The Magic

    • You Can Use Single Rolls, That's Da Di Da or Multiple

    • They Tend To Be Played As Triplets

      • That Is, Instead of Counting 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & For Our Beats

      • Count 1 & a 2 & a 3 & a 4 & a

      • Use Your Hands R L R L R L R L R L R L

      • Try Also, Hands L R L R L R L R L R L R

    • You Can Start On Either Hand Based On Where You Want To Hit Next

      • If You're Playing Hi Hat Right Handed, Then A Snare Roll Starts With The Left Hand

      • That Way You Have Time To Move The Right Hand To Play The Hi Hat At The End

      • The Left Hand Would Be Finishing The Snare Roll

  • Practice Doing Snare Rolls Slowly, Both Right & Left Handed

    • Experiment Using Different Velocities On Each Note

  • Repeat This Exercise Regularly

  • Stream The Following Track & Play Along. I have Left A 1 Beat Gap Between Rolls

Snare Roll

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 1 Minute of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Snare Roll

Let's Repeat This On The Toms

  • Use The Same Concept But, This Time You Have To Move In An Arc

    • Commence With The Hi Tom

      • Start With A Right Handed Roll

      • Also Practice A Left Handed Roll

    • Rotate The Body Slightly & Repeat For The Mid Tom

    • Rotate The Body Slightly & Repeat For The Lo Tom

  • If You're Playing The Hi Hat Right Handed

    • Commence The Tom Roll With The Left Hand

    • You Notice You Don't Get In An Arm Tangle

    • That's The Importance of What Hand Strikes First

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Practice This Technique Regularly

Tom Roll

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 1 Minute of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Tom Roll

Step #9

Additional Techniques

  • One Handed Roll

    • This Is Doing The Roll Using The One Hand

    • Try This Exercise On The Snare Drum

    • R R R R L L L L R R R R L L L L

  • Paradiddles

    • Another Drum Rudiment Using This Pattern

    • R L R R L R L L

  • Side Stick

      • Tends To Be Used More In Jazz Type Beats

      • The Left Foot Plays The Hi Hat

    • The Stick Is Held Against The Snare Drum In The Centre

    • The Other End Protrudes Past The Outer Rim of The Drum

    • Play The Stick End Against The Rim

  • Accents

    • Accents Are Playing The Note Louder

    • It Creates A Dramatic Effect

    • Used On The Snare Drum Particularly In A Roll

  • Ghost Notes

    • Opposite To Accents

    • Notes Are Played Softer

    • We Have Already Used This In Our Snare Beat Before Bass Note Changes

    • Try This With The Kick Drum

      • Instead of The Kick Being Played On Beat 1, 3

      • Try This Beat 1, 3, & Where The "&" Is Played Softer

  • Hi Hat Open/Closed

    • A Great Effect Is Created By Partially Opening The Hi Hat

    • Then Striking The Rim of The Hi Hat With The Side of The Stick

    • Then Closing The Hi Hat

    • Practice This Technique

      • You Can Use The Effect Where It Best Fits

      • Alternating With The Closed Hi Hat

      • Used on Beat 4 of A Bar

      • Used At The End of A Bar

  • Stream The Following Track & Listen To The Effect

Example - Hi Hat Open/Closed

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 1 Minute of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Hi Hat Open/Closed

Step #10

It's Now Time To Learn 1/16th Notes &, Other Time Signatures

Sixteenth Notes

  • So Far We Have Used Mainly 1/8th Notes On The Hi Hat

  • Now, We're Going To Use 1/16th Notes

    • Our Count Is

    • 1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a

    • Play This Slowly, On The Hi Hat, Tapping Your Foot

  • Stream The Following Track & Play Along

Example - Sixteenth Beat

  • Tempo 40bpm

  • Approx 1 Minute of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

Sixteenth Beat

You Can Also Do A Roll, Using Sixteenth Notes, Instead of The Triplet Roll

  • Try This 1/16th Roll Exercise On The Snare

    • Our Count Still Is

    • 1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a

    • Start Slowly Using The Previous Hi Hat Track

    • Accent The Snare on Beats 1, 2, 3, 4 Slightly

    • Slowly Increase Tempo

  • Another Exercise

    • Play On Counts 1 2 3 e & a 4 e & a

    • Play With Hand R L R L R L L R L R

  • Stream The Following Track & Listen To Both Exercises

    • The First Part Has 2 Bars of Snare Roll, A Break & Repeat

    • The Second Part Demonstrates The 2nd Exercise

Example - 1/16th Roll & Exercise

  • Tempo 80bpm

  • Approx 1 Minute of mp3 Play

  • Download To Play Off-Line. See Note Below

1/16th Roll

Solo Example

  • Stream The Following mp3 Track

  • Recorded On My Looper Pedal

    • Listen For The Various Techniques

      • Ghost Notes On Snare & Kick

      • Snare Roll

      • Additional Kick Notes In The Beat

      • Use of Delay On The Hi Hat To Create Effect

Solo Example

  • Tempo 120bpm

  • Approx 30 Sec of mp3 Play

Solo Example

Time Signatures

  • We Have Been Using A 4/4 Time Signature

    • That Is, 4 Beats To The Bar

  • Another Time Signature Is 3/4

    • That Is, 3 Beats To The Bar

    • This Is Used In Waltz

  • Another Time Signature is 12/8

    • That Is, 12 Beats To The Bar, Similar To Playing Triplets In 4/4 Time

    • One Reason For Using 12/8 Time

      • It's Easy For Notation

      • All The Notes Carry Either A "Number" or An "&"

      • It Goes Like This,

      • 1 & 2 & 3 & 2 & 2 & 3 & 3 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 2 & 3 &

      • 1/8th Notes Are Played On A "Number"

      • 1/16th Notes Are Played On Both The "Number" And "&"

That Completes This Introductory Lesson On Drums. From Here, Learn Other Beats & Techniques.

To Practice To Other Tempos & Beats, Checkout The Freebies Section In The Song Pack Store.

To Download For Off - Line Use:

To Download The Practice Tracks, Tap The Download Icon On iPhone Devices or, On Android Devices, The 3 Dots, Top of Screen, Scroll & Select Download. The Track Will Be In Your File or Download Folder.

Read More About Music Backing Tracks & Backing Tracks For Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Drums. Also Read More About Busking, On Line Busker, Looper Pedal Backing Tracks & Busking Music Backing Tracks. Listen To Busking Music & Busking Loops. Checkout Musician Resources & Jamming For Beginners.

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