Drum Backing Tracks

Music Backing Tracks Guitar Backing Tracks Keyboard Backing Tracks Drum Backing Tracks Bass Backing Tracks

Drum Tracks & Loops - For Any Instrument

No Matter What Instrument You Play, Having A Drum Track To Accompany You Can Add A New Dimension To Your Musical Exploits.

The Following Is An Example of A Busk'n Servant Freebie Drum Track:

  • You Can Play or Download The Track As A Loop

  • The Track Is A Very Small Wav File Size

  • The Track Will Open In A New Window

  • You Can Play & Upload The Track To A Device, PC, DAW or Loop Pedal

  • All Tracks Are Scanned By Google Before Playing & Download

  • Checkout More Freebie Drum Tracks & Loops In The Song Pack Store

Drum Track & Loop

Texas Blues Fast Beat

Backing Tracks - For Drums

From Experience, Practicing Drums Can Be A Very Solitary Experience. Maintaining Tempo & Beat Against A Metronome Is Ok But, Throw In Other Instruments & It's Easy To Get Lost.

For The Beginner, This Can Be A Major Hurdle. Using Some Kind of Backing Track Can Change All That. Nothing Complicated, Just Follow The Drum Track.

When You're Ready, Add The Bass Part. As Confidence Grows Add The Guitars. Before You Know It You Have Your Own Band Going & You're The Drummer!!

Busk'n Servant Drum Backing Tracks Are That Flexible!

Being Able To Exclude "Your Instrument" From The Song or Loop Is A Purposeful Design of The Busk'n Servant Loop Tracks.

The Following Is An Example of A Busk'n Servant Freebie Loop Pack

  • You Choose What Instrument To Exclude From The Track - Say Drums

  • Tap The Appropriate Button - Minus Drums

  • The Loop Will Stream To You Mobile Device or, PC

  • Go Ahead, Make Your Choice & Tap The Button!

  • You Can Save The Loop For Off-Line Use

  • All Tracks Are Scanned By Google Before Playing & Download

Purchased Loop Backing Tracks

Both Purchased Song & Loop Packs Contain Multiple Loops For You To Choose. If You Just Want The Drum Loop, Fine, That's Included or, Maybe You Want The Bass & Rhythm Guitar Loop, That's OK Too!

Loop Backing Tracks, In Busk'n Servant Song Packs:

  • Cover A Range of Genres & Styles

  • Provide A Range of Loop Tracks So You Select Your Own Virtual Band

  • Provide Stereo Loop of The Full Band

  • Individual or Group Instrument Loops

  • Text Documents On Loop Construct, Including Chords

  • Strumming Patterns & Other Information

  • Solo TAB's, Bass TAB's, Drum TAB's, Keyboard Playing, Solo Riff Plus

  • Are A Small File Size For Downloading

Playing Loop Backing Tracks

All Loop Backing Tracks Have Been Arranged To Play On A Mobile Device, USB Enabled Loop Pedal, PC, DAW or Audio Player That Can Loop Wav Files.

If You Don't Have A Loop Pedal Then Download A Free DAW To You PC That Will Play Loop Tracks.

You Can Also Play Loops Endlessly On Your Mobile Device Using Apps That Play Loops Such As, "Loop Player" For Android, Available In The Google Play Store or, "Loopy HD" For iPhone, Available In The App Store. Checkout How To Download & Play Loops On Your Mobile Device.

Freebie Loops

Also Available Are Freebie Loop Packs That Contain A Full Band Loop, A Full Band Minus Your "Instrument" Loop Plus The Loop Text Document With Chords, Solo TAB, Drum TAB, Bass TAB, Keyboard Playing Plus, Strumming Patterns & Other Information. These Packs Are Ideal For Mobile Devices or PC & Are A Small File Size.

Download Busk'n Servant Loop Tracks To Your Loop Pedal or, Play Them on Your Mobile Device or PC & Jam Away Endlessly, Practicing Chord Changes, Playing Solos or Just Having Fun! Using Loop Tracks Is Also A Great Way To Practice & Polish Your Performance, Even If Not Used Live.

Listen To The Loop Backing Tracks Available In The Song Pack Store.

Checkout What Is Included In A Song or Loop Pack. Also, Checkout The Freebies In The Song Pack Store!

Read More About Music Backing Tracks & Backing Tracks For Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Drums. Also Read More About Looper Pedal Backing Tracks & Busking Music Backing Tracks. Listen To Busking Music & Busking Loops or Try The Free Learn Guitar-Bass-Drums Lessons! Checkout Musician Resources.

Learn Guitar-Bass-Drums By Busk'n Servant

Stream Free - Busking Songs By Busk'n Servant

Stream Free - Extended Busking Loops By Busk'n Servant

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