What If A Download Fails?

Music Tracks Backing Tracks Jam Tracks Loop Tracks Busking Jamming Practice

Download Failure

There Are A Number Of Reasons Why Your Download May Fail Such As, Internet Drop Out or Power Failure.

What To Do?

After successful PayPal Payment And Pressing The <Return To Seller> Button, Another Page Will Open Automatically In Your Browser With The Zip File Shown. See Important Note Below.

Do Not Close This Page Until You Have Successfully Downloaded The Zip Package And Confirmed That The Zip Package Is In Your PC's Download Folder or, Saved Onto Your Mobile Device. On A Mobile Device You Can Always Press The < Back > Icon And Re-download.

If For Whatever Reason The Download Fails The Download Progress Bar, At The Bottom Of Your PC's Browser, Will Stop Moving. If It Does Not Restart Simply Press The Download <icon> Again And The Download Should Restart.

Make Sure Not To Close The Zip Download Page Until You Have Checked Your PC's Download Folder To Confirm Successful Download.

If You Accidently Closed The Zip Download Page or For Some Other Reason You Didn't Get The Download, Simply Go To Your Browser History And Click On "<Song Pack Name> .zip - Google Drive" And Your Zip Download Screen Will Reappear & You Can Continue With The Download Procedure.

I Forgot To Press <Return To Seller> Button. What Do I Do?

Simple, Email Me Immediately & I Will Send You The Link.

If You Need Assistance Immediately Email: ian@busknservant.com or busknservant@gmail.com

I Will Have You Jamming Away In No Time!

Important Note:

Some Zip Song Packs WILL NOT Show A Preview Screen On Download - Just Click Download Then Download Anyway

This Is The Screen You Will See With The Larger Download Zip Song Packs

Click Download Then Another Screen Pops Up Click Download Anyway

Files Larger Than 110MB Trigger This Screen

A Number of The Song Packs Are Larger Than This Because They Include Many Track Options For Your Virtual Band!

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